Meet Our Team
Max Lee Fang
Max is the Editor-In-Chief of CJS for the 2023-24 academic year. He is a third-year student majoring in Sociology and Creative Writing. Max is passionate about many sociological issues, but he is particularly focused on the Chinese-American diaspora. In his free time, Max likes to write, play tennis, and stay up until unreasonable hours in the night doing a bunch of nothing.
Managing Editor
Salma Hamed
Salma is a third year studying Political Science. She has transferred from Cairo University, Egypt. As a Sawiris Scholar, Salma is focused on studying internal conflicts in Africa and the Middle East. When she's not listening to music, you'll find Salma ranting about urban rights and cultural preservation back home.
Managing Editor
Bingjie Hsieh
Bingjie is the managing editor of CJS. She is a third-year majoring in sociology and gender and sexuality studies originally from Taipei, Taiwan. She enjoys doing gymnastics, circus, and cooking in her free time.
Director of Operations
Violeta Lopez Molina
Violeta Lopez Molina is a second year majoring in Philosophy and allied fields and Political Science. She was born and raised in Argentina and is committed to raising the visibility of sociological fields that focus on the Global South and neo-colonialism. She also enjoys coffee, baking, learning languages, and reading Russian literature.
Director of Media and Outreach
Danielle Lopez
Danielle is a third-year studying Anthropology, Sociology, and Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity. She's Filipina and Honduran from Las Vegas, Nevada. Danielle is committed to sharing stories of diverse cultural histories, specifically highlighting the contributions and convergence of Black, Indigenous, Latino, Asian, and Pacific Islander communities across international human rights social movements. In her free time, she likes to watch "Family Guy Funny Moments" and Alpharad on YouTube.
Academic Journal