Get Involved

At CJS, you convene with a group of motivated young scholars passionate about the social sciences. You will join a tight-knit group of editors and find yourself closely engaged with The University of Chicago’s Department of Sociology. We collaborate with professors at UChicago, host workshops and talks, and learn from the editing process of our annual publication (also cater the best food out of any RSO on campus!)
Why join CJS?
Working with CJS will improve your academic writing, build a coherent understanding of different research methodologies, expose you to the hot topics in sociological research, and surround yourself with a group of academically- curious peers.
The Editors Team
Our editors team review and edit submissions during a year-long editing cycle. The core principles guiding our editing process are objectivity, critical perspectives, refined methodology, and polished writing. We collaborate and bring our editing and writing experiences to produce a final publication that features exceptional research.
The Board
The CJS board is a leadership cohort that supports the work of the editors team. Our board members tackle the administrative, outreach, and planning tasks that are crucial to the functioning and exposure of CJS.